What to know about a wine

What to know about a wine. When it comes to having a glass of wine or choosing a wine, we must know some basic concepts of wine. Characteristics that allow us to know and judge a wine better. This work is carried out in the winery by the ethnologist, but we can do a quick test when we are going to taste a wine.

What to know about an  wine

These basic pickpockets are:


The color of a wine is determined by many factors, but the main one that determines its color is polyphenols.
The color of a wine gives us a lot of information about it, in fact, in wine tastings it is the first element that is analyzed.
We can determine the age of a wine and the state in which it is for consumption. The intensity of color determines the body of the wine
Depending on the type of wine we can have different shades of wine.
The main shades of the wine are:

In red wines

Purple or purple: Young wines
Red: Crianza wines
Cherry or garnet: Reserve wines
Teja: Gran Reserva wines

In White wines

What to know about a wine

Yellow-green: Young whites
Straw: one of the most common in white wines
Golden-yellow: for semi-sweet or evolved dry varieties
Gold: for sweet or dry varieties with considerable bottle aging
Ocher: wooded wines


The first thing we detect is taste, but there are other sensations in the mouth such as:
Temperature: fundamental in wine tasting, since the aromas it gives off depend on it, as well as increasing or decreasing the taste faculties.
Warmth: It may seem similar to the temperature of wine, but nothing could be further from it. It is the sensation that the alcohol in the wine produces in the mouth.
The most alcoholic wines are usually the warmest

Freshness: It is the opposite characteristic of the previous one.
Hotness: It occurs in sparkling, sparkling, or carbonated wines, due to the dissolved carbon dioxide.
Astringency: It is the sensation that tannins produce in the mouth. Its intensity depends on the levels of polyphenols.


Tannins: sensations of astringency and roughness in the mouth.
Acidity: the sensation of freshness in the mouth.
Alcohol: the sensation of warmth in the mouth.

Sensations in the Nose

It is the set of smells of a wine. The aromas that a wine gives off can be:
Primary: They appear as soon as the wine is served without shaking the glass. They may be:
1. Floral: Jasmine, rose, lilac, orange blossom, acacia flower, violets.
2. Vegetable: Pepper, cut grass, hay, eucalyptus.
3. Fruity: Passion fruit, pear, peach, apricot, strawberry.
4. Mineral: Pitch, wet slate, granite, pencil point.

Secondary: They occur once the wine glass is shaken. They identify more with the production processes in the winery. They may be:
Fermentation: bakery, sponge cake, breadcrumbs.
Lactic: yogurt, milk, yeast, fresh cheese.
Amylics: nail polish, banana, varnish.

Tertiary: Tertiary aromas are typical of the aging of wines in long-lasting bottles.
For all this, knowing about a wine should be something that, in addition to providing us with knowledge, should also help us enjoy when drinking a wine.

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