The renaissance of natural wines. Discover a wide selection of red, white and rosé wines from the best wineries called natural wines.
Generally, a natural wine is said to be a wine grown organically, and made without removing or adding anything in the winery.

The renaissance of natural wines
What are natural wines?
These are wines made without sulfites. They are unfiltered and unclarified wines. It is the wine itself that evolves. Nor is sulfur added.
Sulfite is a variable of sulfur oxide that is produced naturally in the fermentation process of yeast.
Therefore, all wines have sulfites unless they are removed in chemical processes.
How H3 sulfites act
Sulfites eliminate bacteria that cause the wine to turn sour. This happens when the wine is in the bottle. Therefore, it is normal that during the winemaking process, the ethnologist adds these sulfites in a controlled manner, in accordance with current legal regulations.
This ensures the conservation of the wine and the elimination of bacteria.
Sulfites and health
The level of sulfites added in the production of wine is so small that it has no influence at all on the health of consumers of this drink. Therefore, there is no risk or cause for concern.
For people intolerant to sulfites, some side effects may occur such as itchy skin, respiratory problems, and asthma or breathing problems.
Since the amounts of sulfites added are so low, we can generally say that sulfites do not present a health problem.
h4 product labeling
All manufactured products that contain sulfite must reflect this on their labeling.
For products that are consumed raw such as fruit and vegetables, the use of sulfites is prohibited.
Fermented products such as beer and wine typically contain sulfites.
Sulfites are found in dried fruits, molasses, sauerkraut and pickled foods, prepared sauces and sauces, canned vegetables, condiments, frozen shrimp, dried potatoes, French fries, jams, and trail mixes.
Sulfite in wine

Although all wines contain added sulfites (except natural ones), not all wines have the same level of sulfites.
Red wines have the lowest level of sulfites.
On the contrary, sweet wines and semi-dry wines have the highest concentration of sulfites.
How to identify a natural wine
Generally, on the wine labels on the bottle you can find some term that identifies the wine as a natural wine. These texts can be:
- Organic grapes
- Hand picked
- Without commercial yeasts
- No added sulfites
- Without filter
However, this does not guarantee that a wine is natural, although it can be an indication.