Oenologist or sommelier characteristics. What are the differences between an oenologist and a sommelier? These terms contain an enormous wisdom in the world of wine, but if we ask the public of the street, many would not know how to tell us the differences between one and the other.
The fact is that both figures are fundamental in the wine sector.
Oenologist or sommelier characteristics
Although both works related to the wine environment the differences are remarkable.
The winemaker
It is responsible for the entire process of making the wine since the grapes enter, until the final product is bottled.
He is the artist who plans and executes the work that is called wine.
An oenologist usually works in the production of a wine, in direct contact with the winery that produces it and the people who grow the grapes.
It takes care of the grape in all its phases of production, it indicates the moment of the harvest, and it assists in the winery to all the phases of the elaboration of the wine, to obtain the best results.
It has a complementary work in the laboratory to analyze the results of the obtained broths.
The sommelier
It works for the final consumer of the wine (customer of a restaurant). That is, his work begins when the wine is already bottled
Normally the sommelier selects the wine list of a hotel, restaurant, etc., makes the purchase of the same, its storage place and the conditions of it. Finally advises the customers in the wine to taste depending on the selected food.
What few people know, is that the sommelier advises not only in the field of wine, but also decides on the beers, liquors and cigars to offer to customers.
In the cellars the sommelier is in charge of the communication of the same. The person responsible for making the wine known, also responsible for the tastings, demonstrations, events and courses that can be organized with each wine.
Other knowledge
Both one and another today are required a series of knowledge and training beyond those of the trade. Let’s see some of them, every day more present.
In the Sommelier
In the case of the sommelier, knowledge of one or two languages in addition to one’s own is usually normal. They should also know the geographical regions and climatologies of each of them where they produce wine and have vineyards.
Another aspect that must have the figure of the sommelier is to know each novelty that comes to the market in the world of wine, as well as try and attend as many tastings can be done.
In the winemaker. Differences between an oenologist and a sommelier
In the case of the winemaker, he must master the methods and techniques of vine cultivation. The research techniques that are practiced in the wine sector is another aspect that you should know.
They usually have training in biology or chemistry, since it will be part of their work.
But we can not fail to mention that you must know a broad knowledge of the current legislation on wine in the region or area where you carry out your activity.
Other Figures.
There is another figure very common in the world of wine as is the taster.
As its name suggests, it is a person who performs the action of tasting the wine.
This is usually a person who judges the quality and characteristics of the wine, once bottled.
For this, he analyzes the color, smell and taste of the wine in question, under the prism of his personal knowledge.
Perform the three phases of the tasting:
View: color and nuances of the wine in sight.
Nose: aromas that the wine gives off
Mouth: sensations left by the wine in its passage through the mouth.
Conclusions : Differences oenologist and sommelier
We can finish by summarizing the function of each figure:
Winemaker: responsible for guiding the wine production in the winery.
Sommelier: expert in the world of wine from the perspective of the client and the service.
Taster: analyzes the characteristics of bottled wine.