Category Archives: Vinos y bebidas

The best wines to give this Christmas

The best wines to give this Christmas, do not have to be the most expensive.
The good wines to give as a gift, usually go associated with other types of issues that are not the price: taste, cellar, memories, etc.
Without doubt, if the person we want to give something to is a wine lover, the best we can do to get it right is to give him a bottle of wine.

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Oenologist or sommelier characteristics

Oenologist or sommelier characteristics. What are the differences between an oenologist and a sommelier? These terms contain an enormous wisdom in the world of wine, but if we ask the public of the street, many would not know how to tell us the differences between one and the other.
The fact is that both figures are fundamental in the wine sector.

Oenologist or sommelier characteristics

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How to know if a wine is chopped and is in poor condition

How to know if a wine is chopped and is in poor condition. It is not always appreciated quickly if a wine is chopped, or is in poor condition.
We say that a wine is chopped when its smell and taste are not adequate.
Chopping a wine is very common and we should not be alarmed. Chopping is caused by bacteria, acetic bacteria.
This bacterium needs oxygen to be able to live, which tells us that if a wine is chopped it is because air enters the bottle. Normally it is usually because the plug is in poor condition and has let air through.

How to know if a wine is chopped and is in poor condition

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